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The Many Facets of Architecture

  • The art and science of planning, designing, and constructing buildings and other structures.
  • A general term to describe buildings and other physical structures.




Utility or Function = what the structure is used for (shelter, worship, study, work, recreation, sports). Each of these examples has different design needs that it needs to cater to.

  • A large family home needs a mix of rooms and open space to meet the needs of the family members.
  • An apartment complex needs a certain number of apartment units, each with an effective use of space.
  • A stadium is built to accommodate the needs of a large number of visitors
  • An office building is built to include an efficient mix of working spaces, open space and light.


Durability =  ability to endure for a long time, be robust while withstanding the environmental conditions (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires) of the area/land. The ancient structures and places of worship show how durability was well-thought out by architects of the past, while the modern examples show how architects plan for potential future disasters.

Aesthetics = Beauty, proportion, light and space.

Region and Time both have an active influence on architecture.

  • Region = cultural and religious influences on architecture.
  • Time = influence of the era on architecture (availability of local building materials, changes in architecture styles)


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